Code Mastery in 8 Weeks

120-in-60 is an instructor-led course that focuses on Data Structures and Algorithms (DS&A) mastery.
Unlike traditional coding courses, the program emphasizes an active learning approach with live sessions. You will solve more than 120 coding problems (easy to hard level), create lifelong connections with your fellow learners, and cultivate a newfound appreciation for the possibilities that algorithms can offer in your career.

Stop overthinking.

Finally start mastering DS&A in 2023.

Quiz: Is 120-in-60 right for you?

Have you wanted to start DS&A coding, but struggle with self-studying it?

Are you overwhelmed with the number of different platforms, algorithms, and strategies out there for coding mastery?

Have you started practicing coding, but don't know which algorithm to use?

Are you trying different questions and have no help to solve them?

You want to master algorithms, but miss a structure, community and accountability?

Do you find yourself starting coding problems after problems, never solving them?

If any of these sound familiar...

Then 120-in-60 was built for you.

Here's how it works

On the surface, 120-In-60 teaches you to master coding, Data Structures, and Algorithms. Upon joining, you'll unlock an 8-week curriculum packed with frameworks that guarantee you become a confident coder.

📹 16 Live Sessions covering everything you need to code confidently

🎬 Lifetime access to session recordings with resources and solutions

📺 50+ recorded videos explaining the algorithm patterns and how to solve coding problems

✍🏼 Coding workspace, practice exercises, and solutions in multiple languages for you to learn and practice effectively

🧠 Weekly Q&A sessions to reinforce everything you've learned (and make sure nobody gets left behind)

🔢 120+ hand-curated coding problems to get the breadth of coding skills

⭕️ Private community of software engineers with vast experiences taking the course with you and discussing different topics

🔒[GUARANTEE] 100%, no-questions-asked refund & rollover policy if you find the course isn't for you

Live May 1st Cohort Enrollment

Live Calls on Mondays and Thursdays 9 am Pacific Time

AI-Powered Coding Environment

As part of the course, we provide you with an online coding environment to practice at your pace in your favorite programming language.

Gone are the days when you scratched your head to find the solution to compiler errors and searched stack overflow for answers.

LLM powers our coding environment (Algosense) to interpret your coding errors and suggest quick solutions.

With the help of AI, you will move forward quickly to solve problems and get confidence in your coding.

Learning Philosophy

✅ Learning happens in communication. We learn best when we ask questions, brainstorm ideas, and explain solutions to others.

 Algorithm patterns are the best way to become good at coding and build problem-solving skills.

 Pair programming in a cohort helps participants be accountable to practice and learn from each other.

Course Content

Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Fixed-Size Sliding Window
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Modified Binary Search
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Two Pointers
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Cyclic Sort
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Top K Element
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Merge Intervals
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Dynamic-Size Sliding Window
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Linked Lists and In Place Reversal
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Fast and Slow Pointer
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Depth First Search (DFS)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Breadth First Search (BFS)
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Topological Sort
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Union Find
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Two Heaps
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  K-way Merge
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Dynamic Programming
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Live May 1st Cohort Enrollment

Live Calls on Mondays and Thursdays 9 am Pacific Time

Frequently Asked Questions

What is cohort-based learning?
Cohort-based learning is a model in which students progress together through a course or program of study, receiving instruction and guidance from faculty, coaches, or mentors. In this model, the students are kept in small groups and typically remain together in the same group for the duration of the program. This type of learning emphasizes peer-to-peer learning, sharing perspectives, and developing meaningful relationships.

Will recordings of lessons be available for future reference?

You will have lifetime access to all recorded classes.

What are the coding prerequisites?

You should have command over one programming language and have learned basic algorithms. And you can code basic programming tasks easily. We do not teach introductory programming. We work on advanced algorithms and topics.

Will there be a class every day?

The Cohort's Live Sessions will occur on Mondays and Thursdays at the following time.

9:00 am to 10:30 pm Pacific Times

When is the cohort starting?

The next cohort is starting on May 1st 2023.

Can I get a refund if I'm not satisfied?

We strive to create a quality learning experience for our participants. If you are unsatisfied within the first 15 days of your cohort and would like to request a refund, please contact us promptly by email. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our refund policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

What's the time commitment?

Life is busy. We know you don't have time to code all day.

By coding starting with easy problems and gradually building on top of them, you will spend no more than 90 minutes coding every day.

But this 90-minute habit of coding and submitting daily is the highest leverage habit.

On top of the daily coding, there are two (optional) live sessions per week as well as a weekly self-paced curriculum.

Couldn't I just do this myself with all of the free content out there?

Well... you could. And I encourage you to try it! Because if it works for you, great!

But chances are, you've tried coding on your own before. And between the hours it would take you to aggregate all of the free stuff and the headaches, you would have to try to code every day on your own...

We think the $100 is well worth it.

Will I pass a coding interview after solving 120 problems?

Some people could not land a good job even after doing 1000 DSA coding problems, and others might not have done a few problems and landed a job at Google. Passing interviews depend on many things. Solving 120 DSA problems will definitely better prepare you for such interviews. We are providing a framework, and community support, for you to build a capacity to solve these coding problems with ease and also have skills to continue doing more afterward.

Can I get the resources for self-paced study instead of a cohort-based course?
Yes, you can enroll in a self-paced video course at this link.

I recently graduated from the Coding Bootcamp. We did some basic DS&A with Ruby, and I have been practicing it with Javascript now. Would you still say it is appropriate for someone at my level?

Yes, if you have a good understanding of basic DS&A and are willing to put effort, then this course is perfect for you. We had coding bootcamp students in past cohorts who did very well.

Pick your study style



$ 9.99

Perfect for self-motivated

  • - Lifetime Access
  • - 20+ Algorithm Patterns
  • - 50+ Videos
  • - 150+ Lessons
  • - 600+ Solutions
  • - Coding Workspace
  • - Algosense AI
  • - Private Community

120-in-60 Cohort

$ 500

Cohort-based live lessons

  • - 16+ Live Classes
  • - 24+ Hours of Face Time
  • - Call Recordings
  • - Office Hours for Q&A
  • - Small Group Study
  • - Peer Interviews
  • - Mastermind Groups
  • - Everything in Self-Paced
  • - Workshop Included
  • - Starting: May 1st